Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Art in the open...

I was driving back home from music class today, it was just around sunset and I saw this insanely beautiful pattern formed in the clouds, a vibrant mixture of blue yellow white and black creating a vivid pattern in the sky. I paused for a minute, may be more than a minute admiring the gorgeous pattern on the natural canvas, amazed by how nature catches our attention is seemingly small, funny but wonderful ways.

Recently I went trekking with my closest pals where I got into this huge argument about what a part of a tree branch looked like- an elephant trunk or an inverted violin….It really is quite fascinating when you can spot so many masterpieces carved to perfection by nature itself when you set your mind to it and let your imaginations run wild.

Similar thing happened the other night when I was star gazing (one of my favorite pastimes) when my little cousin said –“look the stars make a pineapple shape in the sky” and I couldn’t stop laughing.

It is so true when they say “Art is everywhere – you just have to open your eyes and look “. It is such a shame that everyone today is so engrossed in the super busy lives they lead today that they have no time to pause and admire such things.

Here is my take- take a good look at the world around – the sky the lake.. The trees etc… never know what you can find... it if fun once a while and let you imaginations flow free… even so you can interpret patterns anyway you wish and have fun quarreling with friends about what it means…. Always fun for me… :D

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